The Bald Faced Hornet's story is like a Shakespearean Drama.

A Queen begins by building a small nest in spring from chewed wood and saliva. She then begins laying eggs. These eggs become workers, which are all female, sterile and will sting to defend the colony of up to 7oo individuals. The males (who have no stingers), born later in the year from unfertilized eggs, will mate with future queens and then die along with all of the workers and the previous queen. The nest is abandoned.
Beware. These ladies take their work seriously. If you mess with the colony, they may squirt venom into your eyes, causing temporary blindness, in addition to stinging you. But they'd prefer to go about their business of maintaining the nest, gathering nectar and foraging for flies and other insects.
While taking pictures several bees veered away or bounced off of me, until I discovered I was in the flight path and moved. They allowed me to remain close, with no stinging. It's easy to respect these amazing creatures and their life processes. Thanks ladies.