Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Beach Eye View

Things really do look different from down here. Brings out the kid in me.

I just love gulls. It cheers and surprises me to see them on the east side of the Cascades. By the ocean, I can sit and watch them for hours.

This seaweed will soon be floating freely back underwater, letting loose the many creatures it sheltered during low tide.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Beaches, beaches, beaches. Can't get enough of that magic land where salt-water and land come together.

Put trains and beaches together and there are lots of lines to look between.

Our shy hunter, the Great Blue Heron, frequents the beach.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mountain Meadows

Summer is a perfect time to explore the high country. 

Alpine growing season is so short that plants barely become snow free before blooming. Some don't wait. The Pasque flower has to set seed before the fall frosts.

This view of Mt. Baker behind a field of Arnica and Lupine made my heart sing; then the clouds blew away and I was in heaven.