Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Perspective deviation

How do you look between the lines of everyday life? Sometimes it means going somewhere new, or getting somewhere familiar, but in a different way, like from a moving train. Or perhaps it means getting up early and watching the moon rise.
Taste it. Breath it. Listen to it. Feel where the experience touches you in your body. Don't think it. Absorb it.
Today I heard the robin's spring song, while I stood on the frosty porch to take this picture. It made my heart glad. I wonder if any peach blossoms will open to the sun today.

1 comment:

Snugget said...

Too early for our peach blossoms, but the cherry trees are budding out down here in Oregon. The bush willows have flowered this week. Last night's frost told my sprouting Zucchini that it's not warm enough to poke their tender parts above the warming soil. So I posted my Country Mayo recipe to help get ready for the first gleanings from our gardens.